Portfolio Spotlight: Project Management of Road Construction in Michigan, USA

Modern Industrial Engineering (MIE) is delighted to present our latest portfolio highlight: the comprehensive project management of a major road construction project in Michigan, USA. This undertaking showcases our expertise in delivering top-notch project management services for large-scale infrastructure projects.


  • Project Overview

In this project, MIE was entrusted with the project management of constructing a 15-mile stretch of highway in Michigan. The project involved extensive planning, coordination, and execution to ensure the road met the highest standards of safety, durability, and efficiency.


  • Technical Specifications

– Project Name: Michigan Highway Improvement Project

– Project Length: 15 miles

– Road Type: Dual-lane highway with auxiliary lanes

– Pavement Type: Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP)

– Design Specifications:

  – Roadbed Width: 36 feet

  – Lane Width: 12 feet per lane

  – Shoulder Width: 8 feet paved, 4 feet unpaved

  – Sub-base Material: Crushed Aggregate Base Course (CABC)

  – Surface Material: High-performance concrete with a compressive strength of 4,500 psi

  – Drainage: Advanced stormwater management system with reinforced concrete pipes (RCP) and catch basins

  – Markings: Thermoplastic road markings with reflective glass beads


  • Project Execution

– Planning and Design: The project commenced with detailed planning and design phases, where MIE collaborated with local authorities and engineering consultants to develop a robust project blueprint. This included environmental impact assessments, traffic flow analysis, and utility coordination.

– Resource Management: MIE efficiently managed resources, including manpower, materials, and machinery. Our team ensured timely procurement and deployment of construction materials and equipment, adhering to the project timeline and budget.

– Quality Control: Throughout the construction phase, MIE implemented stringent quality control measures. Regular inspections and testing ensured that all work complied with the specified standards and regulations.

– Safety Protocols: MIE prioritized safety by enforcing comprehensive safety protocols. This included regular training for workers, proper signage, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize risks on-site.


  • Outcome

The successful completion of the Michigan Highway Improvement Project stands as a testament to MIE’s project management prowess. The newly constructed highway enhances connectivity and transportation efficiency in the region, contributing to economic growth and community development.


At Modern Industrial Engineering, we are proud to lead the way in delivering exceptional project management services for infrastructure projects. Our commitment to quality, safety, and innovation drives us to achieve excellence in every project we undertake.


For more information about our services or to discuss your project needs, please contact us today.